Musicspace Support Center

How do I cancel my subscription?

Please Note: Musicspace does not have an export feature, meaning you won't be able to export your files, metadata, protected work, milestones and any other information linked to your releases & account. Cancelling your account means all of your data will be permanently deleted after 92-days (our deletion policy). 

We're sorry to see you go

Our mission at Musicspace is to help as many artists reduce the stresses of catalogue management and protection. If we didn't serve this purpose for you as a valued customer, we apologise and hope you get in touch with us before deciding to cancel. 

Before you cancel, please keep in mind why you signed up in the first place. Unlike entertainment subscriptions like Netflix or Spotify, Musicspace aims to bring value to you. Think of our platform as an investment for yourself, instead of a monthly "cost".

How to cancel your account:

To cancel your subscription, simply login to your Musicspace dashboard, click the "profile" tab, and then click "Cancel subscription". Once confirmed, your account will be successfully cancelled and your account will join our deletion queue. All of your data including any personal information (emails/passwords) will be deleted forever after 92-days after cancellation.